Monthly Archives: April 2020

YMCA 4C Centre Christchurch

Are you between 14-25 and have a problem you want to solve? Do you have lots of ideas, but just need the right space, equipment and support to turn those ideas into something cool?

In this episode, we talk with Andrew Moss, director of the YMCA 4C Centre, Christchurch.

The YMCA 4C Centre is a place where young entrepreneurs, inventors and problem solvers can go to build their solutions in a really cool and supportive environment.

From robotics, to 3D printing, to video and artistic pursuits, the 4C Centre is for everyone who are curious and want to build their skills in Communications, Creativity and Critical Thinking. It’s a wonderful place and space in Christchurch to take your ideas, take risks and turn them into something amazing.

For more information on the YMCA 4C Centre:

YMCA Christchurch

The Downtown School Seattle

Want to have 3 classes a day and learn in the heart of a city and use everything around you as a lab?

The Downtown School in Seattle is a leading-edge school which uses Downtown Seattle as part of their integrated educational program. This is a grade 9 through 12 school. It’s a great example of a school that’s future focussed and enabling students to pursue their own interests and identity as part of their education.

More time in the classroom doesn’t equate to better learning outcomes and the Downtown school has built this into their overall program.

For more information on the Downtown School checkout:

Downtown School

Lakeside School

The KEXP Gathering Space

Christchurch City Council Learning Through Action Program

How do you get students to buy into their role and responsibility in caring for the environment?

How do you use this to build a sense of community at the same time?

In this episode, we talk with Pete Johnson, from the Christchurch City Council in NZ who leads the environmental experiential education programs for schools.

We take a look at how these programs are aimed at all ages and build and grow on prior experience year after year to help students, not only understand the local environment and the challenges we face to care for that, but also taking real action to do something within the community.

For more information on Pete’s work and the great Learning Through Action programs on offer at the Christchurch City Council checkout:

Christchurch City Council

Programs on Offer

Risk Management – Challenges & Opportunities

Where do you start with Risk Management? With any experiential education, you have a professional responsibility to pro-actively manage risk. This is an ever-evolving and dynamic skill-set that you develop over the years through training and experience. It’s something we can never take for granted. We take a look at some of the challenges we face in managing risk and what can happen, when things don’t go to plan.

In this episode, we talk with Paul Tame, who is a leading risk management trainer with Xcursion Risk Management Training, Lead corporate management trainer for Zen Training & Senior lecturer at Western State Uni Colorado. We take a dive into risk management for experiential education and touch on a few challenges we all face when planning and running programs.

Often things look great on paper. However, how does that translate into the real world? With risk management for any sort of activity, it needs to be a living and breathing culture within your organisation and not just a bit of paperwork someone completed and then filed away.

For more information on Paul’s work and the organisations he’s worked with over the years, check out:

Zen For Business

Xcursion Risk Management

Western State Uni

And Crested Butte a fun ski resort we’ve skied together at:

For more information on Denali: